In helping people and nature
we see the right direction
We listen to the needs of the community and are committed to sustainability.
We think of others. Social responsibility and sustainability are intrinsic to our business.
It is important to us what impact our activities have on the environment and how people live, not only in our region.
Long-term support of the Gymnasium Slaný
Every year we invest in the acquisition of IT and technical equipment that actively contributes to the development of teaching and provides students with a modern environment for their education.
We are proud of our long-standing partnership and excited to support the development of your school.

Motorlet Praha
In the world of sport, discovering and supporting young talent is a crucial step towards future success. For the third year running, our company has been a proud sponsor of the promising footballers of FK Motorlet Praha.
We believe that our sponsored players will have better facilities that will contribute to their enjoyment of the sport and their motivation to play.

We help where it's needed
We support non-profit organizations and projects in our neighborhood. We are happy to be consulted - our employees know best where help is needed. Thanks to them, for example, we have financially supported the Help Me association, which organises camps for wheelchair users, or delivered material resources to help the occupied Ukraine.
We are very proud of the fact that CCA Group employees are among the blood donors at the Transfusion Department of the Pilsen University Hospital. They come for regular donations and willingly respond to acute calls when supplies are short.

We behave ecologically
We digitize document circulation and thus reduce internal and external printing to a minimum. This applies to all our projects. When the situation does not allow otherwise, we use recycled paper. We recycle everything we can ourselves, and very honestly. Even our beverages are purchased in 100% recyclable aluminium packaging.
We plan to renew our fleet and include hybrid vehicles. We will not avoid car journeys, but we want to keep our carbon footprint as small as possible.